Photo by Brian Vu

Jared Freschman is a Jewish-American artist based in New York City. Originally from Delaware.

Jared Freschman’s fluid compositions conjure the hidden spiritual practices of today’s queer youth. Ombré fades and jewel-tone color palettes open a door to nostalgic, dream-like memories. Freschman illustrates allegories that combine vivid flashbacks, Jewish mysticism, and hyper-feminine archetypes that own the composition. He builds a liminal space where control lies in the hands of queer individuals. Perspectives shift from first to third person, and the artist’s lived experiences mingle with those of a broader queer collective.


All images used courtesy of Jared Freschman

Jared Freschman all works ©Jared Freschman 2024



L’Oréal, David Yurman, John Varvatos, Brooklyn Industries, LinkNYC, Usbek & Rica, FCB New York, Lincoln Financial Group, Alexis Michelle, InQueery Media, Fernando Mancuello, Narratively, FashInvest, Restoration Art